A heart fully dependent upon the Fathers’ promises finds that He is true, unchanging and the only source of lasting satisfaction. His title bears no beginning and no end. Ruler of light, He is the King of Kings adorned from head to toe. Our Everlasting Father is One we can depend on through every season of life. When I see God as Father, I can praise Him for a love so pure.
Read Isaiah 9:1-7 and share in the excitement of God's people long ago. Isaiah the prophet was sent by God to warn the people of Judah. His message encouraged them to return, repent and be renewed. One warning after another was issued. Some hearts were receptive while most ignored his plea. Toward the end of his mission, Isaiah spoke of a long-awaited Messiah.
With the people being stiff necked and hard hearted, Isaiah had his work cut out for him. The Israelites had been used to debilitating rituals that were put into place to try and make them "right" with God. The Law spoke of things you could and couldn't do, ways to dress and food that you could eat on Monday, but not on Tuesday. The idea of relationship was foreign to these people, as God had only been feared up to that point.
The Lord's anger hung heavy over their complacent hearts. Wickedness burned like fire, but God's fury would have the last word. Amidst the clamor of impending judgement, there was a remnant mentioned - a small portion who would in fact return to the Lord. This meant that for a blessed few, the sacrifice of bulls and unrelenting hand washing would no longer be needed to draw close to God. A Saviour would come, bridging the gap for all who would humble themselves enough to return.
On a scale from one to ten, where would you say your repentance rests? So many of our daily thoughts and actions fall miserably short of God and his holiness. When was the last time you felt genuinely sorry for missing the mark? It is never too late, return to God - He waits patiently as only a loving father would.
~ One so Worthy, it is with great joy we celebrate the coming of Jesus. Blessed Messiah, you have come to take every sin ever committed upon yourself - all so that we could be justified. Lord, give us the sensitivity to know when we are sloshing around in sin. Make our hearts tender to the prophets you sent long ago. Even though we are no longer cleansed through the burning of incense and the fat of a calf - the sin we commit is still very much the same. Give us an awareness of just how much Jesus has done. Our hearts rejoice as we take our place out of darkness - and into the Light. ~
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